Our Services

Designed For Provision Of The Best Services


Lorsiv consulting division focuses on defining, optimizing and aligning our clients business and IT strategies. We provide the finest cream of consultants to our clients by selecting them through a complex screening process. Lorsiv considers itself as a bridge between the expertise and the job. Our services are being appreciated by a number of clients nation-wide.
With the present day technology changing at a rapid pace, at Lorsiv we help the businesses adapt to the changing market conditions by working with them and improving their output. We have a continuous watch on the current technologies and at the same time focusing on the future changes and thus assisting the companies in developing strategies to be at par with the new technologies.

At Lorsiv, we offer the right combination of services and consulting through our onsite and offsite locations. Our consultants have worked with various technology management teams in leading companies nationwide, achieving the clients objectives.


In our Contract-to-Hire Services, clients utilize the candidate as a Contractor/Consultant through our organization for a desired period of time. They may then decide to hire the candidate depending upon his or her skills and abilities or based on the staffing needs at that point of time.


Key benefits for your organization:

  • Get the right professionals with the right expertise right away.
  • Save time, money and effort in training and recruiting your staff.
  • Eliminate the worry about payroll, taxes, liabilities and other overheads.


For long-term, non-permanent staffing needs, we offer our Staff Out-Sourcing Service. In this scenario, the employees work exclusively for a client as if they were that client's employees. We act as an extended HR department in managing these employees. This procedure helps reduce or eliminate many of the responsibilities, liabilities, costs and overheads associated with hiring, training and retaining full-time employees.


Key Benefits:

  • Professional, proactive and managed hiring process.
  • Broader exposure for the specific requirement.
  • Save time, money and effort by out-sourcing this task to us.
  • Risk free hiring process.
  • Post-Hire support.


As corporate houses look to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of their IT operations, they are confronted with a major challenge. Namely, a growing list of needs chasing a shrinking pool of talented resources in an already curtailed IT budget. Cost saving and return on investment being the prime drivers today for CIOs, maintaining a dedicated team of professionals is proving very expensive in today's environment.

Lorsiv offers a cost-effective Development and Maintenance strategy through a judicious blend of our Onsite, Offsite and Offshore development approach. This approach offers a multi-site and multi-time zone based pool of specialized multi-skilled resources, which are organized and managed to meet the explicit business objectives of our clients. What's more, the 24 X 7 capability speeds up the deliveries. An added advantage is quick ramp up of teams in case emergencies and unforeseen contingencies crop up.


Network Engineers

Dedicated to designing, implementing, and maintaining robust network architectures. Our network engineers ensure optimal performance and security for data transmission across various platforms and technologies.

Java Android and iOS Developers

Our team of mobile developers is skilled in creating applications for both Android and iOS platforms using Java. They focus on developing seamless, responsive, and feature-rich mobile applications tailored to meet the unique needs of our users.


Java Android and iOS Developers

Our team of mobile developers is skilled in creating applications for both Android and iOS platforms using Java. They focus on developing seamless, responsive, and feature-rich mobile applications tailored to meet the unique needs of our users.


ELT and Data Engineers

Specialists in Extract, Load, Transform (ELT) processes and data engineering, proficient in handling massive datasets and complex data pipelines. They enable actionable insights and data-driven decision-making through advanced analytics platforms.